3D illusion lights make a great way to livin’ up your room or home when the lights go off. Very cool whether they’re used to make a cool party decor accessory or just as your personal rad night light. Although these 3D night lights come in all sorts of shapes and styles, below are some favorites that you’ll surely enjoy.
If you’re thinking about buying a girlfriend a regular ol’ stuffed teddy bear – don’t. Get her this instead. She will appreciate the unique spin on the “teddy bear gift” and think of you every night when she uses it!
Who doesn’t love cats? Psychopaths, that’s who. For everyone else who is sane, they will love this 3D cat lamp. Maybe you wish you had a cat but don’t have enough money to support? This is the next best thing.
Here’s a great 3D lamp for all you guitar musicians out there. Also makes a rockin‘ gift for anyone you know who is known to rock out the gee-tar.
Here’s a 3D illusion lamp for Star Wars fan. Having this on your bedside will feel like you are looking at a hologram Death Star, plotting with Skywalker and Han Solo on its destruction. Or, if you are prone to the Dark Side it will be like a homage to the mighty “moon”.
This whimsical looking Owl will help livin’ up your room in the dark. Sitting on a tree limp, staring you down with those judgy’ eyes.

This is my favorite of all 3D illusion lamps. Displaying the great Pikachu from Pokemon. Guess you have to be a little bit of a geek to like this one BUT you can find a ton of various 3D lamps at Amazon.com