Say hello to the future of trash cans. This TOWNEW smart trash can lessens the mess and fuss of dealing with trash bags. This trash can will seal and change bags of trash with the touch of a button. All you have to do is grab that bag and your trash can is ready to go!
Besides the button to seal and change your trash, this trash can is touchless. Using motion sensors it will open for you to dispose of your garbage then seal it back up so the odors can’t escape.
It does have a cool sleek, techy design for some cool decor. However, the trash can is quite small so you’ll be changing it a lot. They should come with a larger version. On the plus side, the trash can will hold up to 25 durable, recyclable bags at a time.
Too much for a simple trash can? Maybe. But no one can ever say you don’t have the coolest trash can with this. Stun observers with a push of a button, a quick grab and go as the trash can sets up another bag for you.
Behold, and own the power and the convenience of this trash can, Available at